Saturday, April 17, 2010

Article Outsourcing Experience (This made me very happy)

Over the last couple of months I've been having my outsourcing team build some new websites, and we needed to move on to the promotional aspect (getting traffic).

My main content writer is a woman from the Philippines. She's pretty good when she spell checks and proof reads her own work. But I had fallen into the trap of editing a lot of her work and I think that resulted in her seeing me as a "safety net".

Truth is - my goal is to NOT even have to read the stuff that she writes, perhaps other than a cursory skim of the content. After all, this has nothing to do with my primary online business (where I am the ONLY content writer), and I don't even want my own name on these other projects.

So I was spending too much time reading her articles and editing them to my standards and my "style" of writing. That was a clear mistake. I was doing this because the articles were going to get put into my EzineArticles account and I didn't want to risk my account.

The solution was really simple after I stopped to re-evaluate my way of doing things. I simply had her setup a new EzineArticles account for her to submit articles to. Now she is fully aware that I'm not proof reading them for her, but I have full visibility into the account. I'm also not taking any "risk" with my existing account.

Here's the result: We submitted the first 10 articles immediately. As you know, with EZA, you can't submit more than 10 articles at first. Well, I'm happy to say that of the 10 articles she submitted every single one was approved and the account was upgraded to Platinum instantly.

I read what she submitted. The articles were totally fine. Were they works of art? Of course not, but they were useful, grammatically correct, and they do their job of creating backlinks to our new websites.

If you are wondering about the cost per article, it's about $3 each. She's typically producing about 5 articles per day, and there are 22 average work days in a month.

I hired her from and I used John Jonas' program to learn how to hire people and train them. I also created a lot of my own training for my own specific needs. It's VERY easy to do and totally worth doing. In fact, you can't afford NOT to do this stuff if you want to succeed in online marketing.

Here's a post where you can get a free audio interview discussing outsourcing.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Review of Mass Outsource by Tyrone Shum

Well today I had a chance to checkout another outsourcing program from a competitor to John Jonas. The guy is Tyrone Shum, from Australia. The name of the progam is Mass Outsource Mastermind.

I'm a (happy) customer of John Jonas and a member of ReplaceMyself, so I was curious what Tyrone would bring to the table.

First, let's look at the pricing. He's charging a similar price of just under $100 per month for access to a series of training modules. They get drip-fed to you weekly to keep you interested in staying on board for the program. Where he's a bit different is that after 6 months your payments STOP. You get perpetual access to his mastermind site even though you aren't paying any more.

People might not realize this but John Jonas offers a "Pro Outsourcer" package also that involves a one time fee of $697 and grants you perpetual access to his system. This is presented as a one time offer after you do your initial sign-up. This is what I bought (no recurring fees, ever). So the way I see it, Tryone is essentially matching John here.

Tyrone's videos are pretty good - everything is well explained. But that said, I feel that the content is essentially a duplication of what is inside of Replace Myself. I don't know enough about Tyrone to tell if he's "the real deal" or not. But I feel I know enough about John Jonas to say that he certainly *is* the real deal. So content-wise, I think the scale tips more towards John here.

John offers members access to, which is online project management software. Tyrone has come up with another website that does the exact same thing, using the exact same software (so I'm assuming it is available as something that can be licensed, or perhaps it is open source software). So he's matching John here.

Finally, let's consider how you can use Tyrone's system to hire workers. His video describes a good method for using to hire employees. This is where it gets a bit weird. is actually John Jonas' site. Unless you are a member of you are supposed to be paying about $50 per month for access to it. Tyrone is giving his members a way to login to the site using his own account. If I was considering purchasing this program I'd be a bit worried that John Jonas will cut off his account (and therefore cut off all of the members of Mass Outsource). That is, unless he's struck a deal with John to allow this. It's not clear to me what the reality is.

My personal preference would be to go with John's program - but I will say that Tyrone's content is pretty good, he communicates well, and he's probably done a bit better job organizing the content and providing tools such as a user forum (which I would like to see John ad). But I'm nervous about promoting Tyrone's program given issue I mentioned above.

Anyway - no matter what you think is the better program to use, I do encourage you to use SOME system. I like what John has, but I also will point out to you that Tyrone is giving away a series of 10 videos which provide some good content.

Here's a link to John's system
Here's a link to Tyrone's system.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting more qualified job candidates with less effort

This post is about how I'm using video to recruit candidates. I learned how to outsource to the Philippines by using John Jonas' lessons.

I've decided to hire yet another writer, and based on my past experience in using I found that it was highly useful to actually post a job rather than to simply filter through resumes. I find that the people who reply to the job postings are usually very keen, so it saves time having them come to me.

That said, I get a LOT of replies to my job postings that are one-liners such as, "I'd like to apply for this job, here is my resume at". I'm not interested in spending the time to look through everyone's resume, decide whether or not I need to contact them to send me a sample of their writing, confirm with them what their availability is, etc. That's a lot of work.

So here's what I started doing just with this last posting: I put a basic job posting up that says, "I need amazing writers to work online for me. Get the full details at this link:"

The link that I give them is a video presentation that I whipped together with Apple Keynote (could also be Powerpoint). I export Keynote to a flash file, but I could have also used Jing to do a screen capture for free.

In the presentation, I talk about what kind of writer I want, and I tell the candidates exactly what they need to send me in order to apply. I ask for desired salary, number of hours per week, writing samples that have been written and edited by them (and only them), and a few other basics.

If people reply with a one-line email, it gets deleted. No exceptions. They obviously don't know how to follow instructions or don't care to take the time.

About half of the replies I've been getting are from people who DID watch the video, and I already have 3 solid writing candidates who have impressed me with their English skills.

Not too shabby. I like the new method. When I originally joined "Replace Myself" it came with free access to - and I never thought I'd be coming back to make so much use of this job site. Great resource!

If you have questions post a comment. I'll be happy to do more posts answering them to the best of my ability.