Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Unique Article Wizard Review

Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago I took the plunge and signed up for Unique Article Wizard, a service from a company called Allegretto Publishing, owned by Dr. Noel Swanson.

I signed up on the advice of John Jonas, from ReplaceMyself.com after having a short email dialog with him about exactly why I should use it.

Why Unique Article Wizard
Basically, I emailed John to say "Is it really as great as you make it sound". He wrote back to me essentially telling me that Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is really the way that article marketing was meant to be done. He said it's article marketing done RIGHT.

That was enough to get me to sign up. Heck, it's not like I can't cancel if I'm unhappy and you'll never get anywhere if you are not willing to test stuff out, especially stuff that has been recommended to you by successful people.

So I signed up. I learned how to use "the wizard". All I can say is that I'm absolutely amazed with the quality of this product. They seem to have thought of everything. It's incredibly easy to learn, there are a TON of helpful videos, and they send you regular training material via autoresponder (which I simply forward to my Filipino employees).

Here's what I love best about Unique Article Wizard

  • I know that a unique version of the article will go out to each directory
  • I can get a unique version of my article at the click of a button and submit it to EZA, and other directories manually (ones that it doesn't submit to)
  • I can have a wide variety of anchor text used in the resource box, which is really important to helping your rankings
  • The wizard submits articles every day at a frequency you specify (the default is 50 submissions per day, which means it is usually finished in one week). This gives your link building some natural feel and flow. This is good.
  • It works! We're doing some initial testing right now and I've already noticed some long tail keyword rankings have improved quite a lot. If you write a few short articles and use specific long tail keywords in your resource box you will very likely see an improvement in traffic to your website (from those keywords) quickly.
What's NOT to like about Unique Article Wizard
Simply put - it takes more work. But this extra work has upside. Let me explain. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement when I joined the service (as does everyone - done via the browser), so I can't tell you exactly how it works ... but here's something to think about.

Say I told you that you had to dig one hole every day and that you'd get paid a certain amount of money. It would take you an hour to dig the hole.

Now say I told you that if you dug 3 holes per day, you'd be able to earn 10x the income (or maybe more). The second and third hole you dug would take less time than the first. So your total time investment might be 2x compared to digging just one hole.

Would you do it? Of course you would ... or at least you'd pay someone else to do it for you! That, in simple terms, is the power of Unique Article Wizard.

Seriously ... it's worth using this service.

As far as outsourcing goes, I have two employees who are writing articles and submitting them directly into the Wizard on my behalf. I get them to send me their work, but I don't read everything (I simply don't have time). We're now submitting multiple articles into the wizard every day and I think it's an incredible benefit to my business.

Here's where you can go find out more

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The "Magic Device" LiveScribe Pen

Hey everyone,

As an Internet Marketer I am really interested in learning as much as I can to get better at outsourcing parts of my business. Lately, John Reese started his pre-launch videos for Outsource Force, which I expect will be a training program at $2k, when all is said and done.

Anyway, if I wasn't already a happy member of John Jonas' awesome program, I'd probably seriously consider John's thing.

So - I watched Video #2 last night and it was pretty awesome. John showed off a "magic device" that he uses to help him communicate ideas. I thought for sure he'd be talking about Jing software. But he wasn't.

Instead he was talking about the Livescribe 4 GB Pulse Smartpen. This thing is incredible! I ordered one online immediately (because of something else I already knew).

Here's the scoop: The pen actually writes on regular paper with regular ink. But you can record (as a video) everything that you write in digital format, and it also records audio and synchronizes the audio to what you are writing.

Imagine that you are trying to explain to your article writer how you want him to create links in resource boxes that point to your website, and to your EZA articles, using your focus keywords. You could simply make a little diagram on paper, talk as you write, and send the "PenCast" to your outsourcer.

Why I was convinced: I have a good friend who has one of these pens and he talks about how much he loves it. I had NO IDEA it would do video, I thought it was just for making PDFs of whatever you write, which seemed less interesting. But the video / audio sync stuff really sold me on it, so I bought one.

I can't wait for it to arrive! The article marketing example I mentioned above will be my very first application for the device.

You can get the Livescribe 4 GB Pulse Smartpen at Amazon.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Boosting Conversion with Google Website Optimizer

For the last few months I've known with conviction that I needed to start doing more formal split testing. I've been hacking it by running a test, manually counting up my results, changing a variable, running it again, and comparing the results. Doing this takes WAY too much time and requires more organization than I have available :)

So today I finally figured out how to use Google Website Optimizer. Eventually I am sure I'll be doing multi-variate testing. But for now I'm just doing simple A/B testing.

What caused me to hesitate was that I didn't know how to implement it in WordPress, so I just had that learning curve to get over. Turns out it was pretty easy.

First, I took a squeeze page I already had and I copied it into another page in wordpress. I then changed the headline so it only had one difference from my control page.

Then I told Google Website optimizer that these two pages were my "control" and "variation" URLs. Google then gave me some code to paste on each page. Here is where there was some slight problem because the "control" page requires some code in the header of the page. In WordPress, usually the header is the same on all pages, so if I pasted the code into the header for the control page it would be present for ALL pages (including the variation page).

So ... I used the "templates" feature in WordPress. I simply made a copy of my main template, added the code to that page, and assigned that new template to my control page. Problem solved. The rest of the code could go in the body of the page, so it was unique for every page (not shared among pages like the header).

So now I've got an A/B test running and I'm thrilled with how easy this is. Google will tell me the winner in a few days after I have statistically valid levels of traffic on which to base a conclusion. I'm sending all my PPC traffic to these test pages so that I don't mess around with affiliate traffic. When I have a winner, I'll just set that as my new control and run another test.

Outsourcing will also help here ... I just realized I can add a member to my Adwords account, so I'll simply get one of my outsourcers to handle the testing and I'll throw in my test ideas. I already got him to do the Google Website Optimizer tutorials, so we're making progress here.

Here's what I recommend to people in terms of outsourcing.